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www.STARBOYZ.com A Starboyz Channel Zero Production

The Starboyz have pioneered the stunt riding industry from the start. They took street riding to a level no one had dreamed of at the time and they continued to progress making stunt riding a globally recognized sport. As many riders followed and tried to keep up, the Starboyz, Scott Caraboolad and Kevin Marino took the sport to another level yet again as they created a niche in the industry and began performing for large events such as Daytona Beach Bike Week and Sturges Bike Rally, monster truck events and private dealer shows. Gaining sponsorship and recognition through television and magazine they represented companies such as Rock Star energy drinks and Ed Hardy as well as Suzuki motors and Dunlop tires. The Starboyz continue to perform and have now set a new plan to evolve within the industry as technology changes and become leaders yet again and continue to be innovators in the sport. \m/ mikeyj